Hanging planters have actually always been cool when done right, but what’s cool again are macramé hanging planters and hanging planters made our all sorts of repurposed and recycled elements. With more people recognizing the benefits of having plants in the home, but not wanting to sacrifice floor or counter space for them, then hanging planters are the perfects solution and making their way into home everywhere in charming and unique ways. Here at Norton’s Florist, we love hanging planters and all things green and blooming, so here are a few tips to get you started on your own hanging planters.

Cool Hanging Planters for Inside
Besides the health benefits plants provide us, and the space-saving part of hanging planters mentioned above, hanging planters are a great way to freshen up your home with a burst of bright flowers and charming plants. You can create an urban jungle in your home or just a bit of elegance with the right type of hanging plant in just the right spot. With so much time we spend in the home, bringing in the best of what’s grown outside is a nice balance. So, without further adieu, get started on getting hanging planters into your home.

Best Types of Plants for Hanging Planters
There are many to choose from and ultimately what will decide the best type of plant is its location and whether or not it will be mostly in the sun or in the shade, then you can choose accordingly. Also, know beforehand the size of the plant you want and match the container to the plant making sure there is plenty of room for growth. If the pot is too small for a plant, you spend a lot time pruning and watering it. Some great indoor plants that work well in hangers are English Ivy, Burro’s Tail, Spider Plant, Arrowhead Vine, Pothos, and Boson Fern.

Do You Need Liners for Hanging Planters?
Liners are really helpful in keeping your plant moist and preventing it from drying out too quickly – a common hazard among hanging plants. Some popular liner includes sphagnum moss, which has a thick texture, cocoa liners, which come in pre-molded shapes, and supamoss, which is made of plastic but filled with plenty of holes to allow for proper drainage.

How to Care for Your Hanging Planters
Keeping your hanging planter adequately watered is the most important, and the trickiest, part of maintaining healthy hanging plants. You can’t keep the soil too wet, as root rot may occur, and not watering frequently enough will lead to yellow leaves and wilting. A few rules of thumb to ensure your plant thrives are to make sure your container has drainage holes, water only when the topsoil is dry to the touch, and don’t allow your plant to sit in standing water. It also helps to invest in a long neck watering canister and a step stool or ladder for reaching high places.
Check out our Pinterest board for more hanging planter ideas.