Norton's Florist

Norton's Florist

Awarded an Alabama Retailer of the Year!

The Tradition of Boughs of Holly

Each Christmas age-old traditions are repeated, filling us with a sense of wonder and nostalgia. Some of these traditions, from songs and stories to customs and decor, date back centuries. In some cases, like with the use of holly to decorate, the meaning has changed over time. Prior to the Christmas traditions we associate with it today, holly was used in ancient Celtic, pagan, Roman and Druid ceremonies and mythology. With such rich traditions behind this unassuming plant, the floral experts at Norton’s Florist decided to spend some time discussing holly, its meaning and how to include it in your decorating as you prepare for the holidays this winter. Read More about The Tradition of Boughs of Holly »
Posted by nortonsflorist on November 24, 2019 | Last Updated: November 9, 2020 Uncategorized

The Top 5 Favorite Flowers Our Florists Love

Many people have a favorite type of flower. Some people love unusual shapes or designs, while others are attracted to beautiful fragrance or specific colors. For many, their favorite flower may hold some significance for them, having a connection to a special place, event or person. Surrounding yourself with your favorite blooms is a great way to show your gratitude for such a simple pleasure in life. Send your loved ones their favorite blooms, to celebrate a significant event or just because, and let them know how much you love them.  Read More about The Top 5 Favorite Flowers Our Florists Love »
Posted by nortonsflorist on November 17, 2019 | Last Updated: November 21, 2019 Uncategorized